Sponsored by: Ricoh USA
Pat McGrew, CEO, The McGrewGroup Inc.; Begum Walji, Global Software Product Manager, RICOH Graphic Communications; and Linnea Wolken, Director, Global Marketing, Alliances & Operations, Ricoh USA
#DidYouKnow that roughly 40% of all print jobs, regardless of submission method, require time-consuming follow-up before the job can move into production?
Until now.
Hear how to jump-start your job onboarding with RICOH TotalFlow™ Producer on September 14th from an expert panel – NAPCO’s Ashley Roberts, Pat McGrew from the McGrew Group, and Ricoh’s Linnea Wolken and Begum Walji. They will discuss why a lack of automation and efficiency when running a high number of small jobs is still common in small- and medium-sized in-plant and commercial printers, and how to overcome this situation with the introduction of this intuitive print-on-demand SaaS workflow technology.
In this webinar you will learn:
- How to reduce job onboarding time by viewing and managing incoming jobs from multiple submission sources in one cloud-based location.
- Ways to improve client communication resulting in increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.
- How to increase productivity by automating the entire workflow process of submitting print jobs, conducting malware detection, performing a pre-flight check, and ensuring print readiness without the need for operator intervention or IT expertise.
Attend to learn how easily many onboarding challenges can be quickly resolved!
Sponsored by Ricoh USA
Click here to view this free webinar today!
Couldn’t make it on September 14th? No problem! Printing Impressions and In-plant Impressions webinars are archived for 90 days after the live event. Click above to register and get access to this webinar, both live and on- demand.