After its cancellation last year due to low registration numbers, the Association of College and University Printers (ACUP) conference was back with a vengeance this year. Attendees this year hailed from as far away as Australia, New Zealand and Scotland, and included managers from all over the U.S., from Oregon to New Hampshire, with a large contingent from Texas.
Irene Castillo-Alonzo
Having seen the fate of schools like Georgia State University, which was sued by publishers earlier this year for violating copyright laws, the University of Texas-Austin recently decided to purchase annual licenses from the Copyright Clearance Center. The CCC offers licenses and permissions to publishers’ content and collects their royalties. “The university wanted to make sure that we’re following all the guidelines and making sure that the publishers are getting the restitution that they deserve,” explains Steve Meadows, Copy Center manager. The in-plant has been securing copyright releases for many years for the course packets it produces. Richard Beto, director of Document Services,