In-plants produce a diversified range of products. Their collators must be just as versatile. By Kristen E. Monte FLEXIBILITY, VERSATILITY and productivity are three key qualities in-plant managers look for when choosing a collating system, says A.B.Dick's Dennis James. More specifically, he adds, in-plants look for equipment that can handle a variety of paper stocks without taking up a lot of floor space. In-plants today produce a diversified range of products, adds Ron Bowman, vice president of sales for Rosback Co. "Many of the items [in-plants] wish to collate...are varied and come in all sizes, shapes and weights," says Bowman. "They require a heavy-duty,
Don Dubuque
In an era of earlier job deadlines, shorter runs, increased quality and more complex jobs, efficient post-press operations are critical for a successful in-plant. By Mike Llewellyn and Caroline Miller SOLID FOLDING capabilities are critical to the success of an in-plant. That's what Mel Zischler believes. As manager of Principal Financial Group Printing Services, Zischler oversaw the recent installation of a Challenge Machinery folder into his 33-employee in-plant in Des Moines, Iowa, where it will work side-by-side with a five-year-old Stahl folder. "We had an application come through where we needed greater [paper-handling] capacity," explains Zischler. While looking at folders, Zischler says he