If your in-plant’s longevity plan is to stay hidden, hoping you won’t be noticed, you’re setting yourself up for trouble. Reporting your in-plant’s accomplishments and other metrics to management is the only way to get recognized for the value you bring.
Al Goranson
Since overseeing the installation of a Presstek 34DI digital offset press last July, Al Goranson, manager of Imaging Services at the University of Colorado at Boulder, has achieved his goal of taking in more long-run, full-color work. “As our volume of four-color work continued to grow, especially in run lengths greater than 1,000, we needed something that could produce the work at a cheaper cost than our HP Indigo 3050 digital press,” recalls Goranson. “We had opportunities on longer runs that were just not economic to produce on the Indigo. That was why we chose the Presstek 34DI press.”