In-plant Graphics November 2010 edition


15 Under 40

These days, with the future of print being questioned so readily by digital know-it-alls, it’s kind of nice to hear about younger people who are choosing graphic arts careers. It shows that, even in the age of the iPad, some in the younger generation trust that printing will have a place in the digital world for a long time to come.

Bucknell Blazes a Digital Trail

Bucknell University's Office of Publications, Print and Mail has become one of the first in-plants to install the new Xerox Color 800 digital press. The 80-page-per-minute, 2,400x2,400-dpi printer debuted at On Demand this past spring.

Disaster Reinforces Shop’s Value

MARY BOCCHIETTI’S heart sank when she arrived at the Pueblo City School District’s in-plant one July morning in 2009 and saw three feet of muddy water filling the entire shop. A water main had burst during the night, flooding the lower level of the district’s administration building, where the nine-employee Document Services Center (DSC) resided.

From the Editor: The Age of Printers

Finding in-plant managers who were born in the '70s was harder than I thought it would be. For one thing, some people get very cagey when it comes to revealing their age.

The Goldilocks Philosophy

The “If you build it, they will come” approach may have worked for Kevin Costner, but it’s bad business advice for in-plants, believes Dwayne Magee, director of Messiah College Press in Grantham, Pa. He prefers “the Goldi-locks philosophy”—not too big, not too small, just right. In today’s unpredictable economy, if current volumes can’t justify it, he advises, forget it.