
In Search of a Better Folder
March 1, 2010

LIKE MANY in-plants, Iowa Bankers Association's two-employee print shop had been getting by for years with old, inefficient folding equipment. Its friction-fed Baum folder had been around since Gerald Ford was in the White House. It was slow, inconsistent and could not handle heavy stock very well.

SUPDMC Conference Successful Despite Small Turnout
November 1, 2009

Only about 20 in-plant managers attended the Southeastern University Printing & Digital Managers Conference. Those who made the trip, though, say it was a great meeting nonetheless.

Bindery Innovations At PRINT 09
November 1, 2009

THOUGH PRINT 09 may have gotten off to a slow start, the crowds eventually showed up. And when they did, many of them headed right for the bindery equipment. Nowhere was that more true than at the Standard Finishing Systems exhibit, which was bustling with activity on the third day of the show, even as other booths appeared to be on siesta. Mark Hunt, director of marketing for Standard, thought he knew why.

PRINT 09: Fast Presses, Slow Show
October 1, 2009

TO BE FAIR, the sorry state of the economy made it almost impossible for PRINT 09 to be a rousing success. Show floor traffic was so slow on the opening day (Friday), it was speculated that someone forgot to flip the sign in the front window at McCormick Place from "closed" to "open for business." And one had to question the logic of conducting a long, weekend-wraparound show on the first week of pro football season, when no one (it was presumed) would be coming to Chicago, let alone spending.

More than 100 Managers Attend IPMA 2009
July 1, 2009

If there was one recurring theme in the sessions at the recent In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA) conference, it was this: In these tough economic times, in-plants need to be more proactive than ever about finding and creating new business opportunities. Last month, more than 100 in-plant managers traveled to Rochester, N.Y., to learn just that. Though attendance was down from last year, it was impressive nonetheless in this economic climate (especially after the cancellation of the ACUP conference in April due to travel bans at universities).

In-plants Converge on Rochester
July 1, 2009

The 50th In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association conference was a huge success, drawing more than 100 in-plant managers to Rochester, N.Y. One recurring theme in the sessions was that, in tough economic times, in-plants must be proactive about finding and creating business opportunities. Speakers gave them numerous ideas. Highlights of the conference included visits to the nearby facilities  of both Xerox and Kodak to see and sample the latest graphic arts technologies.


, for four days of conversation, education and more. A two-day vendor fair, coupled with visits to the nearby facilities  of both Xerox and Kodak, let managers see and sample the latest graphic arts technologies.

xpedx Debuts Demo Center
June 1, 2009

Despite the sour economy, xpedx is investing. That was the message the company wanted to send when it showed off its new Cincinnati-area print technology center to graphic arts journalists last month. It is reportedly the only U.S. center demonstrating equipment from a variety of manufacturers.

New Press, CTP for Oklahoma's State Printer
June 1, 2009

Ten months ago, the aging, largely analog Central Printing Division at the Oklahoma Department of Central Services (DCS), struggled to produce high-value color print and finishing work. “It was more than a challenge to be competitive and meet production deadlines,” recalls Mark Dame, director of Central Printing. Because it conducts its business as a self-funded government program, Central Printing often competes with some of Oklahoma City’s best commercial printers. For this reason, Central Printing’s team of 24 employees knew the time had come for

In-plant Recession Management
May 15, 2009

It is no longer business as usual for in-plant managers. Is your shop poised to face today’s economic challenges? xpedx wants to help.

The company is planning a free session in Chicago to help in-plants develop long-term strategies that promote their value and prove their cost advantages. Billed as "an intense and serious workshop for managers that may be affected by this recession," the event will take place on June 11, from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Marriott, Chicago O'Hare.

Win A Trip to the Technology Center
May 15, 2009

In-plants have an opportunity to win an all-expense paid trip to the new xpedx Technology Center in Cincinnati. The two-day trip is valued at about $2,500 per winner.