Saddlestitching could be the reliable and inexpensive binding method you have been looking for. Producing booklets used to be a much tougher job for the employees at Northern Arizona University Creative Communications. They had to hand collate sheets, fold them on a Stahl folder, three-way trim them on another unit, and then use a Rosback 201 stitcher to finish them. The alternative was to outsource the work. That all changed when the in-plant purchased a new Duplo DC10000S collator with an inline DBM200 stitch/fold unit and a DC-48TW face trim unit. "Now that we have it in, we are finding so many uses
Muller Martini
USAA San Antonio, Texas Annual Sales/Budget: $38 million Full-time employees: 305 Jobs printed per year: 36,000 For the employees at USAA Publishing Services, an increased workload is to be expected. The customer base, which stands at over 3.5 million people, grows by up to eight percent annually. But with a cap on the number of employees at the shop since 1992, that increase in work must be handled by the current staff. "We expect capacity to increase with our volume growth but expect staffing to remain constant," explains Jack Mondin, executive director of publishing output services. "That means...we cannot continue to do business the way we have
University of California Printing Services Berkeley, Calif. Annual sales/budget: $15,877,189 Full-time employees: 186 Jobs printed per year: 5,000 To satisfy the printing needs of some 140,000 University of California students attending nine campuses across the state, University of California-Berkeley Printing Services has needed to be flexible. According to George Craig, printing services director, there have been many changes over the years, especially with the emergence of digital technology. Craig recalls bringing in photocomposition and computer business management systems in the '80s, before moving to the direct-to-plate processes and computer-controlled presses of today. Through it all, Craig says, his staff has excelled at adapting to the changes.
Already one of the country's largest in-plants, Louisiana State University's Graphic and Mailing Services just got bigger, with a new facility and expanded capabilities. Louisiana State University's Graphic and Mailing Services never need worry about a shortage of customers. The Baton Rouge-based in-plant exists on a campus full of faculty and staff who are obligated to use its copying, printing and mailing services. Still, Michael K. Loyd, director, is not content with a captive customer base. He wants to be the university's preferred—not mandatory—printer. "Although departments must come to us, we would like to be their printer of choice," he says. "We want