
A Great
 Move in Missouri
February 1, 2012

Missouri's State Printing Center has relocated, along with the state's mailing operation, into a 250,000-square-foot building about seven miles from the State Capitol. "Because so much of what we print gets mailed anyway, it's really nice to have us all here together," says State Printer Rodney Vessell.

Cal Poly to Celebrate International Printing Week
January 6, 2012

Cal Poly’s 2012 International Printing Week is just two and a half weeks away. Titled “Expressive Technologies—A Look into the Future of Graphic Communication,” it will be held January 24-27, at the schools San Luis Obispo, Calif., campus.

Eight Technologies That Will Change the Industry
July 29, 2011

Printing Industries of America has announced the recipients of the 2011 InterTech Technology Awards. The innovative technologies receiving this award are expected to have a major impact on the graphic communications industry.

International Printing Week at Cal Poly
January 7, 2011

Cal Poly’s Graphic Communication Department has announced the lineup for its 2011 International Printing Week, set for January 25-28. The theme of the four-day event is “Graphic Communication – The Production of Knowledge.” Sponsored by EFI, EskoArtwork, Kodak, Ricoh and RR Donnelley, the program will include seminars by industry leaders, laboratory dedications, demonstrations, a career fair and a banquet. Industry members are invited to attend the seminars.

Optimize Your Workflow
October 1, 2008

A GOOD PRODUCTION workflow is one of the main factors in meeting deadlines and profitability. Historically, the answer to creating an effective workflow has been to throw people at it. Not only is that expensive, but with the increasing complexity of the tools and processes required, it demands very skilled operators. And finding and training these operators can be a big challenge in itself. Now, automating everything is not always practical. For example, any process that requires some subjective decision making is not usually suited to automation; however, we should be using technology to replace many of those predetermined and repetitive tasks. That is

New PDF/X Workflow Specifications v4 Released by the Ghent Workgroup
August 18, 2008

GHENT, BELGIUM—August 18, 2008—The world’s graphic arts experts have come together to release v4 of the Ghent Workgroup specifications ( for automated workflow efficiency in the range of application and output environments. v4 of the specifications supports Adobe Acrobat 9 - which itself includes Universal Proof of Preflight developed by the Ghent Workgroup. Heading the list of additional enhancements to v4 is a check for missing glyphs, one of the leading causes of preflight and page production frustration. GWG’s specifications have become the international benchmark for PDF quality assurance. The free specifications are utilized by designers, prepress and printers all over

Ghent PDF Workgroup Entering Seventh Year with Newly-Elected Officers and Revamped
July 21, 2008

GHENT BELGIUM—July 21, 2008—Access to the comprehensive, best practice workflow specifications and resources are now easier than ever for printers, prepress professionals and designers as The Ghent Workgroup (GWG) unveils its newly streamlined, fast website, In addition the GWG, the international cross-section of PDF and print experts known for creating, testing, and releasing specifications and best practices that have been proven to make it easier for users to ensure PDF document quality across workflows around the world; announces newly elected officers to its executive committee. The Website The latest version of the website has been completely revamped to address the expanding population

PIA/GATF Announces 2008 InterTech Technology Award Recipients
July 17, 2008

PITTSBURGH—July 17, 2008—Printing Industries of America/Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (PIA/GATF) is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2008 InterTech Technology Awards. For over thirty years, recipients of this prestigious award have not only had a major impact on the graphic communications industry, but they also consistently prove to be successful in the commercial marketplace. The independent panel of judges deliberated over technology submissions ranging from consumables to MIS systems to large-format presses. A recurring theme with 2008 InterTech nominations was process efficiency; submissions contained solutions to automate production steps, provide in-line process control, and manage production. Great strides in technology were also

Drupa Foretells Digital Future
July 1, 2008

DIGITAL PRINTING technology had its strongest showing yet at Drupa 2008, the world’s largest graphic arts trade show. The two-week event, which took place in Düsseldorf, Germany, last month, lived up to its billing as “The Ink-jet Drupa,” with “green printing” being the only challenger as a show theme, since virtually every exhibitor touched on it. About 391,000 visitors prowled the 19 halls of Drupa this year, (see sidebar about in-plants that attended), checking out the 1,971 exhibitors from 52 countries. Most of the attention, though, centered on the new digital printing devices, particularly those in the ink-jet category—though with prices ranging from $1

Esko and Artwork Systems become EskoArtwork
August 27, 2007

BELGIUM—082707—Esko and Artwork Systems announce the completion of their merger transactions. The new combined business will go forward under the EskoArtwork brand, a name that reflects the strong heritage and broad customer base of the founding companies. EskoArtwork is the global market leader for innovative design, pre-production and collaboration solutions to the packaging industry. EskoArtwork also provides a broad range of workflow solutions to the commercial printing market, as well as the Enfocus suite of PDF tools for graphic designers and print production professionals. Bringing together the best products, people and practices of the integrated companies, EskoArtwork is ready to support its customers’ needs through