Industry News

In-plants are looking beyond paper and adding equipment to print directly onto objects — a niche that lets them add value and provide a needed service.
After serving for seven years as secretary/treasurer for IPMA, Tammy Golden has been appointed IPMA’s vendor representative.
One of the country’s oldest Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff recently moved its in-plant into a larger facility that combines print, mail, and smart lockers.
Roger Chamberlain of the Cincinnati Insurance Co. explains why his in-plant added an inkjet press in an upcoming webinar. Learn more here.
The Alliance celebrates women in the industry during Women’s History Month through its Women in Print Alliance initiatives and special dedicated podcast and content series.
Fifty graphic design students competed for trophies and $1,000 in cash at the Las Vegas event. PDS Equipment hosted the contest to provide encouragement and opportunities to students.
Despite economic uncertainty, the wide-format printing market continues to grow. We see several wide-format trends that, if approached in the right way, represent opportunities for PSPs thrive.
GPO ranked in the top 15 amongst mid-sized agencies in Government Services.
Greater credibility leads to greater influence and management effectiveness and aids our efforts to justify resources and find support for our initiatives.
Fedrigoni's latest acquisition of Mohawk Fine Papers will enable distribution of Fedrigoni papers directly into North America.