
RSA to Unveil New Era of Productivity at Expo
September 6, 2024 at 10:04 am

Rochester Software Associates will showcase the latest version of its ImpactVDP solution for variable data template design and ordering, as well as its WebCRD V12 for in-plants.

How WebCRD Upgrades Will Boost Your Web-to-Print Power
January 30, 2024 at 11:01 am

As Version 12 of WebCRD from Rochester Software Associates hits the market, Product Evangelist Vince Tutino joins us to explain the new features and detail how these upgrades will increase efficiency for users.

From Manual Labor to Digital Ease
January 19, 2024 at 10:00 am

Web-to-print has transformed the day-to-day operations of the in-plant serving the Montgomery County Board of County Commissioners by reducing touch points, increasing efficiency, and freeing up staff to take on more jobs.

GPO’s Move to XML Publishing
November 17, 2023 at 11:32 am

Migrating to XML-based publishing with XPub will allow the U.S. Government Publishing Office to create and publish legislative documents using modern fonts that are optimized for screen usage and search engines.