Digital Printing-Toner - Cut Sheet (Color)

Ricoh Launches Color System at IPMA Conference
June 6, 2011

In a strong acknowledgement of how important the in-plant industry is to its business, Ricoh Americas Corp. debuted its latest digital color device at the In-Plant Printing & Mailing Association (IPMA) conference in Charleston, S.C., on Monday. Before a crowd of about 140 in-plant managers, Carl Joachim, VP of Marketing for Ricoh's Production Print Solutions Group, announced the new Ricoh Pro C651EX/C751EX/C751 color production system, which delivers output speeds of up to 65/75 ppm respectively, and includes printing, scanning and copying functionality.

Who Won Best of Show?
May 19, 2011

It's almost time to find out who won Best of Show in In-Print 2011. Here's a sneak peek.

On Demand 2011: Digital Innovations
 in D.C.
May 1, 2011

Now in its 18th year, the On Demand Conference and Exposition tried something new this time when it moved south of the Mason-Dixon line to the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. Not everyone was happy with the results. Though some exhibits were packed at intervals, others were not so busy. Perhaps the absence of key companies like Xerox, Kodak, Presstek and Standard caused some potential attendees to skip this year's event. Or maybe D.C. was too far for the Northeast day trippers who attended previous years' shows in Philadelphia, Boston and New York.

Add Value...Differentiate Yourself!
April 18, 2011

Digital technologies and demands from users are forcing in-plants to adjust their service portfolios. Today’s market is all about adding value to the overall communications process.

Lock Up the Shop...and Your MFP
April 1, 2011

Cyber attacks on data within organizations like Google and TJX Companies over the past few years have done more than capture the media's attention. The serious harm to a company's bottom line caused by Web attacks and malicious code is keeping information security top of mind with senior executives.

Color Printers Bring PGE Closer to Transpromo Goals
April 1, 2011

Portland General Electric (PGE) recently moved a step closer to its goal of providing transpromo communications to customers when it installed two InfoPrint Solutions (IPS) 5000 color digital ink-jet printers in its in-plant.

Should In-plants Offer VDP and Marketing Services?
April 1, 2011

IN MY February article, "Naysayers and Yea-Sayers," I talked about in-plants that are thriving. The in-plants in this group share something I refer to as establishing credibility with existing products first, and then using that trust to motivate interest in more valuable products, such as variable data printing (VDP).

OPM, Digital Publishing Solutions
March 31, 2011

Learn how OPM, decreases turnaround time and expands their automated book solutions for major publishing customers.

In-Print 2011 Winners Announced
March 25, 2011

On March 14, the judges of the In-Print 2011 contest examined more than 400 printed pieces and picked 75 winners. Here they are.