Digital Printing-Toner - Cut Sheet (Color)

In-Print 2016 Winners Selected
March 18, 2016 at 10:46 am

On Monday, the winners of the In-Print 2016 contest were selected at IPMA headquarters in Kearney, Mo. Five judges, all in-plant managers, spent a grueling 10 hours inspecting each of the 431 pieces submitted in the contest’s 28 categories.

The Value of Digital Printing
March 18, 2016 at 9:53 am

The value of digital printing is about more than market statistics. It’s also defined by the creative possibilities it opens up.

Colorado School District Goes Digital
March 17, 2016 at 10:46 am

For the past 13 years, the main printing device at Colorado Springs School District 11 Production Printing has been a four-color Ryobi offset press. With more than 60 schools to print for, the in-plant needed that press to produce large runs of lunch menus, programs, brochures and other items. In recent years, though, Joe Morin noticed a change.