Business Management

After two years and two shop moves, Lisa Vosta finally hosted the open house she had been planning for her in-plant at Southeast Community College in Lincoln, Neb. In May, having adjusted to the new space, the in-plant finally held its long-awaited open house and it was a big success.
Increase your business acumen and prepare for battle. Those were two pieces of advice Howie Fenton imparted at the IPMA Conference.
Leaders often continue to use the same strategy that drove their company to its current success but fail to change it.
Frank Romano and Bob Neubauer are just two of the speakers at this week's College and University Print Management Association of Canada conference, taking place in Ottawa, Ontario. In-plant managers from across Canada are there for the event.
IPG Editor Bob Neubauer will speak at the CUPMAC conference. Sessions on outsourcing and wide-format will round out the event.
Former CFO and IT manager Brian Lee Wallace, 43, embezzled $416,000 from the commercial printer and now faces up to 40 years in prison.
Heidelberg underlined its strategic focus on technology leadership, digital transformation, and operational excellence.
An investment in inkjet is a wise decision, and now is the time to start preparing. Here are some reasons why you should stop waiting.
The largest of the most recent patent troll cases against the printing industry and its OEMs was dismissed.
An extensive resource of schools throughout the country that offer post-secondary educational programs in graphic arts industry.