To understand the true cost of a print job or communications campaign, in-plants need to account for salaries, equipment leases, power use and building rent, as well as materials like ink and paper.
Business Management - Operations
Why on earth do some departments in your organization not send their printing to the in-plant? Supporting your in-plant is, in effect, supporting your organization from within. An organization that is strong from within can stand on its own and support those around it.
"All printing is created equal." It's not true, of course, but this is what our customers tend to believe. They've come to expect things like fast, dependable service, a quality product and value for their money. So when they try to differentiate between printers, they often focus on price. And while price is important, the best way for an in-plant to distinguish itself is through superior customer service and satisfaction. Technology is driving our business forward but is also driving our
A chargeback system will help you build a successful, outsource-resistant in-plant, but first you must sell the idea to management. If you know the benefits and drawbacks up front, it will be an easy sell.
Merging with other departments in your parent organization is an excellent way to improve efficiency, increase business and save money.