Business Management - Marketing/Sales

How to Make an Effective Presentation - Short Attention Span Webinar
February 8, 2013

You just nailed a huge appointment. Congratulations! Now what? If you don't know how to make the most of this opportunity, all of your hard work will be for naught. In this week's Short Attention Span Webinar, Bill and Kelly give you ideas for nailing the sales call.

Farquharson/Tedesco on Business Development: Learn from A/B Testing Results
February 1, 2013

Every printed promotional piece your company produces needs analytics—whether through a QR code or just a URL. Otherwise, how the heck will you and your client know if it worked? Imagine if Isaac Newton had failed to record the results of his apple-headache experiment because it was "too much of a hassle."

Mobile Technologies: Bringing New Life to Print
February 1, 2013

Keeping an open mind, recognizing profit potential and identifying a point of entry was all the fodder that Quad/Graphics needed to embark on its mobile technologies platform, Interactive Print Solutions (IPS). Actually, it was a direct result of QIC (Quad Idea Catapult)—the company's innovation process management framework—vetting the technologies and creating IPS as a vehicle toward delivering mobile technologies to customers. It helps that Quad/Graphics CEO Joel Quadracci not only gave the endeavor his full blessing, but acts as an evangelist for the mobile technologies.

Why Would You Listen to Me?
December 1, 2012

You don't know me. We've never met. You've never been to my department. We've never done business together. But we could, couldn't we? What would I/could I/should I do to get your attention—to get you to consider me instead of the others who do what I do?

Rethink Price Discounting –Farquharson/Tedesco
December 1, 2012

It's a fact: the easiest and least expensive way to grow sales is to sell more to current customers. By rewarding clients and giving them an incentive to keep working with you, you'll earn their continued loyalty and more of their business.

OSU Open House A Graveyard Smash
December 1, 2012

For years, Oregon State University Printing and Mailing Services has been holding a Halloween Open House, with staff dressing in costumes and Halloween-themed snacks and games. This year’s event, with the theme Great Pumpkin Carnival, drew more than 125 people. They spent their time playing games, like the pumpkin bean bag toss and the coin toss for charity, and winning small prizes, like mini footballs and fortune cookies.

Five Ways to Break into Marketing Services
March 1, 2012

If you look over last year's issues of IPG you will find articles about how in-plants are evolving from solely providing print and mail services to offering more marketing services. In the December 2011 issue, however, Lisa Cross of InfoTrends questioned the reality of that observation when she wrote, "The graphic communications industry is in the middle of an evolution to expand services beyond print to include cross-media and marketing. Unfortunately, the in-plant market is largely absent from the move."