Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Social Media Strategies: Don't Remain 'Anti-Social'
April 1, 2013

There are dozens of platforms available to help businesses create actual storefronts, complete with checkout options directly on Facebook (including 3dCart, Avenue Social, Moontoast, Payvment and Shopify, to name just a few.) When it comes to print commerce, or Web-to-print vendors, however, there's a complete dearth of social storefront options.

Five Things to Say to a Customer - Short Attention Span Webinar
March 15, 2013

There is what you'd like to say to a customer and what you should say to a customer. This Short Attention Span Webinar by PI bloggers Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi covers the latter. We will leave you to determine the content of the former.

Dana on Marketing Messages: A-Marketing We Will Go
March 1, 2013

I'll be writing about specific ways that companies in our industry can market their services to people who need them. Mostly, I'll focus on corporate end users: the buyers, designers and marketers who have a hand in choosing print along with other media to promote their businesses. Marketing to consumers is, as they say, a whole different kettle of fish.

Farquharson/Tedesco on Business Development: Make 'Wicked Easy' Sales Calls
March 1, 2013

Rookie salespeople buy lists. Savvy, veteran salespeople look around them and generate leads from the opportunities that they come across on a day-to-day basis. The result of this sales curiosity is returned phone calls, appointments and orders earned on the basis of a good idea, and not the lowest price. Oh, and they get a free cup of coffee out of it to boot. Eventually.

How to Sell Trust - Short Attention Span Webinar
March 1, 2013

The first thing we need to sell in any situation is ourselves. But how do we get people to trust us if we are not given the opportunity to prove ourselves to be trustworthy? In this week's Short Attention Span Webinar, Bill and Kelly teach you how to sell trust.

Chinese Printing Industry: Primed to Be Largest Market
March 1, 2013

China has become a country with a huge printing market and it is still growing. Its transformation into a world-class manufacturing industry with world-class printers is still evolving. As the cultural and creative areas of Chinese society start booming, the printing industry will have a new opportunity. More affluent Chinese will demand top-quality products of all kinds, and the packaging market will take the lead in creating a huge incentive for companies striving to reach these "well off" Chinese consumers.