Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Print buyer expert Margie Dana and 3 veteran print buying professionals discuss what printers can do to get a buyer’s attention.
The IPMA luncheon was host to a large amount of in-plants this year at Graph Expo, with a panel discussing the in-plant industry.
While price is important, the best way for an in-plant to distinguish itself is through superior customer service and satisfaction.
In this webinar, several experienced print buyers will discuss the major changes in the buying community today.
Findings from Printing Industries of America’s 2015 Ratios Survey indicate a modest rise in industry profitability.
Print, paper and design professionals are encouraged to share their examples of print and marketing via social media.
In this webinar, you will hear from an array of marketing executives about the importance of direct mail in the marketing mix.
This webinar will be based on the recently published Epicomm State of the Industry Report, 13th Edition.
Cross media is essential these days for anyone trying to reach their target audience in a meaningful
Rhonda Kohler puts customers first at Central Michigan University