Business Management - Industry Trends
There has been a lot of discussion as to how to attract more young people to the printing industry, including more women and minorities. There is no simple answer to the problem, but there are some solutions that can be implemented on a national and regional level.
A GPO contracting officer allowed Cenveo to alter its bid, the GPO-led investigation found, which then made its bid the lowest price.
The opportunity to mingle with many OEMs that have adopted its technologies is just one reason why Memjet supports PRINTING United.
The event will give installers the chance to test their wrapping speed and skills against their peers.
Howie Fenton presented some compelling statistics during his IPMA keynote address on “What makes a World Class In-plant.”
The SGIA/NAPCO Media partnership provided the tools to create something that would be a credible, strategic and potent answer to the market forces shaping our industry. And PRINTING United is that something.
The Declaration of Independence may be one of the most recognized and influential documents ever created, but it took a long time to get it to its current state, and along the way there were many printed versions.
Bipartisan PRINT (Protecting Rational Incentives in Newsprint Trade) Act would suspend tariffs on Canadian uncoated groundwood pap
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Exposition industry publisher Trade Show News Network has named the SGIA Expo to its Top US Trade Shows of 2017.