To improve your workflow, start by process mapping the way you do things now, then identify actions that are no longer necessary. Eliminating wasteful processes will make your in-plant leaner.
Carmin Cristofaro
When McGill University Health Centre Document Services was forced to relocate, the outcome was better than anyone at the in-plant could have dreamed.
When Your in-plant gets an opportunity to relocate its operations into new facilities, you had better make sure to do it right, for you may never get that chance again. This is when you do all the things you always wanted to do but could not, because of space limitations or budget constraints. This is when you do a lot of reading on "Lean methodology" and apply as much of it as you can.
AN IN-PLANT is a perfect candidate for applying Lean production practices. We are essentially a manufacturing environment that uses multiple steps in various processes. We utilize a variety of equipment, technology, human resources and supplies. There is an ever-present risk of waste and errors, and quality and speed are at the forefront of our concerns.