Despite our reminders, each year the majority of in-plants never bother to enter our In-Print contest. Why not change that this year? Your operators will be proud just to know their work was selected for entry, as will the customers who ordered those jobs. You owe it to them to make the effort.
The deadline is Jan. 31 — just weeks away. You still have plenty of time to select a few printed pieces to enter. In-Print 2018 is the only printing contest exclusively for in-plants. Jointly sponsored by In-plant Graphics and the In-Plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA), the contest includes numerous categories for both “Offset” and “Non-Offset” pieces. Plus there are three new categories exclusively for in-plants with 10 or fewer employees. See the category list here.
As a perk for IPMA members, their first three entries are free. Other in-plants pay a very low entry fee — just $35 per piece. (Compare this with other printing contests, which charge more than $100 per entry!)
To see the online entry form and read tips on how to win, visit our In-Print page.