A Look at Printing in 2010
2009 was a harsh year for business. Print volumes seemed to be down in most industries with the exception of education. My guess is that K-12 school district printing was already cut to the bone and that, while higher education was experiencing cuts like everyone else, there are simply more students—particularly in community and technical colleges. This enrollment increase is due to students retraining to find another job, as well as due to students remaining in school because jobs aren't available.
- Companies:
- Ricoh Corp.
Greg Cholmondeley is president of Cholmonco Inc. Cholmonco is a technology marketing consulting company that researches, analyzes and documents best practices and innovative solutions. Cholmondeley is especially interested in how industry leaders efficiently get work through digital printing and marketing services operations. He has also written two fictional novels. The first is titled “Nakiwulo and the Circle of Shiva” and the second is called “Princess.” You can learn more about his consulting practice and read more of his blogs at www.cholmonco.com. You can discover his books at http://books.cholmonco.com.