Finding the Digital Color Rainbow
• What if you offered design services?
Just list the top five or six areas where you are considering investing. You’ll use these when you talk to potential clients to determine what enhanced capabilities you will need to get their work.
As an example, many in-plants use departmental printers because they only need 20,000 to 30,000 color impressions per month. Unfortunately, if they can only provide office quality color and can’t handle postcard suitable stocks, they will never be able to get the larger jobs. Alternatively, they might find that not enough jobs require ultra-high quality to justify a high-end printing investment.
- Companies:
- Ricoh Corp.
Greg Cholmondeley is president of Cholmonco Inc. Cholmonco is a technology marketing consulting company that researches, analyzes and documents best practices and innovative solutions. Cholmondeley is especially interested in how industry leaders efficiently get work through digital printing and marketing services operations. He has also written two fictional novels. The first is titled “Nakiwulo and the Circle of Shiva” and the second is called “Princess.” You can learn more about his consulting practice and read more of his blogs at You can discover his books at