Developing Cross-Media and Marketing Services
"We need to stay up to date," says Rick Wise, director of printing. "To be successful, we need to have the ability to provide any service our faculty, staff and students might want. The bottom line is we never want to give our constituents a reason to go anyplace else."
Many in-plants find they need to educate their internal customers on the benefits of VDP and cross-media services. At Messiah College in Grantham, Pa., VDP with the in-plant's XMPie software was slow to catch on. But when Dwayne Magee, director of Messiah College Press, learned at a conference that the software could be used to create QR codes—two-dimensional bar codes that call up Web locations when scanned by smart phones—he ran a webinar promoting the capability. Subsequently the shop produced a number of QR code applications, including a poster for "Welcome Week" with a QR code linking to an online schedule.
- Companies:
- Xerox Corp.
- XMPie
- People:
- Lisa Cross