The Wonderful World of Forest Certification

This wasn’t anything new. There were already riders of the “Green Wave,” early adopters of what I like to call the “new” CSR—Corporate Social Responsibility.
The “new” CSR is based on three criteria (the Triple Bottom Line): the ecological, social and local economic benefits of any product or service they provide. Companies are no longer making decisions based solely on economic benefits to them. They now look deeper and in more directions than just business-forward. Leading companies are now viewing their decisions through an “environmental lens,” with a focus on the Triple Bottom Line.

Vic Nathan Barkin has more than 35 years of experience in the printing, paper and wood products industries and currently owns a consulting practice specializing in business development, workflow, and technology implementation, focusing on “Green Procurement and Production” practices. Vic is a QMS Lead Auditor certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards, is a consultant for the Rainforest Alliance as an FSC Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood senior auditor, is an FSC, SFI and PEFC lead auditor for PricewaterhouseCoopers and SGS North America, and has engaged in more than 700 site assessments and audits.