Publishers Explore Digital Printing Revenue Opportunities
Empowering Flexibility for a Diverse Audience
Another theme that emerged during the "Publisher Panel" was how the increased agility of digital printing enables publishers to meet the needs of a wide range of clients. Nordin provided the example of ACS's diverse international audience. These markets, he said, have their own unique challenges and service requirements. When he first took on his role, Nordin continued, ACS was locked into a 10-year deal with the Chinese university system at a high discount. In Japan, universities wanted the prestige of individual, printed copies in their libraries. And in India distribution was unreliable leading to serious subscription fraud and lost revenue. "By using digital printing and distributing through our printer, I was able to reduce costs and offset the discount to the Chinese universities," said Nordin. "The distribution through the printer was more reliable, so I solved my subscription fraud issue in India. And the ability to do short-runs and print-on-demand with digital printing, allowed me to meet needs of Japanese prestige folks."
- Companies:
- Macmillan Publishing Solutions
Ellen Harvey is a freelance writer and editor who covers the latest technologies and strategies reshaping the publishing landscape. She previously served as the Senior Editor at Publishing Executive and Book Business.