By giving troubled boys some hands-on printing experience, this in-plant prepares them for a productive future.
By Kristen E. Monte
ith its gated entrance, steep hills and antebellum buildings, Glen Mills Schools could easily pass for a prestigious private school. But once you explore the campus, you quickly realize this is a residential facility for troubled youth.
Located in Concordville, Pa., about 20 miles southwest of Philadelphia, Glen Mills Schools is reportedly the oldest residential school for court-referred young men in the country. Founded in 1826, it is home to boys ages 15 to 18 from all over the United States and several other countries.
Students focus on a heavy workload of academics and athletics, as part of the school's goal of changing their behavior from anti-social to pro-social. To teach them the life skills that will help sustain this change, the school also involves students in vocational studies. One of the areas of emphasis is the graphic arts.
"The more hands-on experience they have, the more they are going to learn, and it also keeps them constantly involved and less likely to lose their focus," explains Jim Chobany, Vocational Coordinator.
Students have a choice of 15 different areas, such as journalism, optics, engineering, photography and radio broadcasting, to name a few. Those interested in the printing program begin with Print 101, which teaches them the basics before they ever set foot in the shop.
The Glen Mills print shop consists of a two-color Ryobi 3302M, two single-color Multis (a 1650 and 1360), a platemaker, folders and a hydraulic cutter, as well as plate burning and thermography equipment.
Once students get a feel for each part of the production process, they can choose a specific area.
Presses Are Popular Pick
"Most students gravitate toward the presses," says Jamie Pugliese, printing instructor. "And once they have a grasp on all the areas, they are better able to troubleshoot the production of a job."
It's all part of Glen Mills' mentoring approach to instill leadership qualities. According to Pugliese, the overall structure of the school allows all students to become prepared as leaders as they work in a tightly structured environment, but they also obtain the skills to work in any level of a print shop.
Advanced students are able to help Pugliese as shop aids, where they can delegate work, assist other students and run the presses with minimal supervision.
"We teach them the basic, fundamental skills of printing," says Pugliese. "Over the years, I've become increasingly aware of the critical differences that the fundamentals make in successful students who become printing industry employees."
With three print classes per day and an average of 18 students per class, the program has the makings of a small in-plant. The shop does all of the print work for the school and for the Glen Mills Golf Course, a nationally recognized public course on the school grounds. In addition to the in-house printing, about 40 percent of the work comes from outside customers, such as staff members, local businesses and community members.
Since the school is nonprofit, it cannot charge any more than the cost of the materials, making it a great deal for the local community and a great learning experience for the students. Many of the orders they receive are for business cards, letterhead, wedding invitations, tri-fold flyers, brochures, tickets, posters and signs.
"A hands-on approach is a great way for the students to learn," adds Chobany. "It's amazing how fast they take to the machinery and computers. It really prepares them for when they get into the job market."
Student Sanbeira Thlang is preparing to finish his program at Glen Mills and has already made some connections with a printing company near his hometown in Stockton, Calif. Thlang recently earned a one-week home pass for good behavior, and while there he visited a nearby printer, where he was allowed to run a press by himself.
"It was very scary, but I really enjoyed doing it," says Thlang. "I would like to get a job there."
"Printing is something I will pursue," says Kenneth Agnew, another Glen Mills student. "I like learning and helping people with the work I do."
Like any nonprofit organization, Glen Mills is always looking for donations in the form of equipment, supplies or learning materials. Those interested in helping the program can call (610) 459-8100, ext. 317, or e-mail: