When used properly, multiple-use papers can be an asset to any in-plant.
Find out how they can benefit yours.
IT SOUNDS like a printer's dream come true—one paper that can be used for offset, ink-jet and digital applications. This paper can do it all. Well, sort of.
While it is true that the market for multiple-use papers is growing, there is a definite trade-off for the versatility these products offer.
Certainly multiple-use papers can run on different types of print processes, but their quality isn't quite that of job-specific papers. The key is knowing when multiple-use papers can be most effective in cost and quality.
"The attraction is that you can reduce your paper inventory," says Bob Hieronymus, senior marketing manager for Georgia-Pacific. "The multi-use paper category is one of our fastest-growing product segments."
Hieronymus says multiple-use papers are primarily used for making books, booklets and manuals. He also sees them used increasingly for letterhead and stationery. In these applications, the color imaging can be run offset, then the paper can be transferred to a laser printer to add the text. Hieronymus says for jobs where color isn't necessarily stressed, multiple-use papers can be much more cost-effective than running the whole job offset or digital.
"The color component really tends to be the driver in the decision process," he states. This is because the quality of the color work on multiple-use paper isn't as good as it would be on a job-specific paper.
Ned Spangler, marketing manager of commercial office papers for Hammermill, takes it one step further.
"You have to look beyond the cost of the paper," he says. Although he admits that multiple-use papers are cost-effective in certain jobs, he feels they could cost a company money if relied on too heavily. He warns that if a company prints a business proposal or sales report on multiple-use paper instead of a job-specific paper, the drop-off in quality could possibly hurt business.
"I think the multiple-use paper is probably more suitable for internal applications," he says.
Hieronymus agrees, noting that applying ink to paper is very different than applying toner. Papers engineered for these processes produce much better quality work.
But for jobs where combining offset and digital applications are more cost-effective, or for internal jobs where top quality isn't a necessity, multiple-use papers are a functional and economical solution.
Xero Hero
NCR PAPER brand Xero/Form II from Appleton Papers is a carbonless grade best used with a range of digital and electronic equipment, including high-speed copiers and laser printers. A bright white top sheet plus three colors works well for multi-part forms. Heavy basis weights provide bulk and caliper.
Not So Plain
Plainfield Opaque from Domtar Papers is available in smooth and vellum finishes, as well as in six embossed patterns, in both text and cover weights. Its multipurpose guarantee extends to all offset presses, ink-jet and laser printers, and office and high-speed copiers. Offset print followed by laser printing is guaranteed. Plainfield Opaque also caters to the digital market with its new digital sizes: 12x18˝ and 13x18-1⁄8˝ in 60-lb., 70-lb. and 80-lb. text (long grain) and 18x12˝ and 18-1⁄8x13˝ in 65-lb. and 80-lb. cover (short grain).
Plainfield Opaque from Domtar Papers, is guarenteed to run on offset presses, ink-jet/laser printers, and copiers.
Paper That Worx
Fraser Worx is the name of Fraser Paper's multitasking paper line. It is a multipurpose, offset opaque, vellum bristol and index, available in 15 colors. Every Worx paper grade is acid-free, lignin-free and made with 30 percent post-consumer waste. The 20/50 Multipurpose line is laser guaranteed. In all, Worx can be used for offset, laser, ink-jet and digital printing.
Coming This Summer
The Meadware product line from Mead Coated Papers includes Mark V, Signature, Mead and Focus. During the summer, Prima, Mead Postcard Matte and C1S coated grades will be added to the Meadware brand. These name brands, currently available to offset and digital printers, create a seamless capability between short- and long-run jobs, where maintaining the same print stock is required to keep a consistent look between pieces.
Quantum Leap
Quantum Digital Opaque offers the opacity, strength and printability of Georgia-Pacific's opaque offset sheet while delivering the technology required for digital applications. With this sheet, documents can be pre-printed offset then run through digital imaging equipment. The paper's high opacity blocks heavy ink coverage from showing through. Smoothness (120 sheffield), hold out and curl resistance allow it to deliver imagery in every tonal range, even for projects that require unusually heavy ink or toner coverage.
Quantum Digital Opaque from Georgia-Pacific.
What's Neutech?
Gilbert Paper's Neutech PS performs in all commercial printing applications. It is both ink-jet and laser guaranteed. Neutech PS contains 60 percent recovered materials, including 30 percent post-consumer. It comes in six colors and is available in four weights: 24-lb. writing, 80-lb. text, 80-lb. cover and 120-lb. cover.
CLASSICally Neenah
CLASSIC CREST papers by Neenah Paper are available in "Smooth" and "Super Smooth" finishes. They are laser, ink-jet and copier guaranteed and are qualified for digital presses. Available in a breadth of colors and weights suitable for any printing application, CLASSIC CREST Papers come in a variety of business identity components including envelopes, label stock, announcements and complement cards.
SPectraTech SPecial
Sappi Fine Paper's SPectraTech Multipurpose Bond/Offset paper offers compatibility on electronic imaging and offset printing equipment, including black-and-white copiers, color copiers, laser printers, ink-jet printers, plain-paper fax machines and offset presses. It comes in 14 colors, computer matched to other grades. It is available in 20/50-lb. basis weight and is manufactured with 30 percent post-consumer recycled fiber.
Smooth As...
Royal Silk by Wausau Papers comes in four whites—all of which are acid free with archival qualities—and 12 other colors. Royal Silk is made of 30 percent post-consumer fiber (excluding Brilliant White and Bright White). Stocked in 24-lb. writing, 70-lb., 80-lb. or 100-lb. text and 80-lb. or 100-lb. cover, the papers are suitable for letterhead, envelopes, business cards and presentation folders. Royal Silk can be used for ink-jet, laser, commercial and digital equipment.
Your First Choice
First Choice Premium MultiUse paper from Weyerhaeuser is engineered to provide printing on all high-tech office equipment, offset preprint, ink-jet, copying, laser printing and color imaging. It comes in 24-lb., 28-lb., 32-lb. weights and 57-lb. cover/card. All weights come in 8-1⁄2x11˝ and 11x17˝ format. The 24-lb. stock also comes in 17-1⁄2x22-1⁄2˝, 23x35˝ and 35x23˝ format.
Fore Many Applications
Hammermill Fore DP is guaranteed to run on small and large offset presses, copiers, laser printers, ink-jet printers and plain paper fax machines. It comes in 20-lb. and 24-lb. weights in an 88-brightness white and 20 other colors. It contains 30 percent post-consumer fiber. Fore DP is recommended for newsletters, flyers, brochures, manuals and other applications.
It Will Copy And More
Willamette Industries offers Willcopy, 84 brightness , and Willcopy Plus MP, 87 brightness, two multi-use papers suitable for offset and digital printing. Both products can be used for reports, flyers and a variety of other business communications. Both are available in letter- or legal-size cut sheets and in plain or three-hole-punched configurations. Willcopy is also available in 11x17˝ cut-size sheets and in rolls.
Versatile Stock
Xerox Digital Laser Harlequin is a glossy coated 80-lb. text and 60-lb. cover stock for high-speed black-and-white printers and copiers. Designed to run as reliably as bond paper, this versatile stock can be offset printed, then personalized on digital presses to produce high-volume, customized applications such as catalogs, manuals, and one-to-one marketing materials.
by Joe Ranoia
- People:
- Bob Hieronymus