Non-print Services Boosting Revenue
In 2005, about 8% of total dollars generated in the printing industry came from non-print services like photography, design, database management and digital asset management. This is according to a new study by Print Industries Market Information and Research Organization (PRIMIR).
The report, called Benchmarking Non-Print Revenues of Printing Companies, provides an overview of the non-print ancillary services that printers currently offer. Other popular non-print services are digital database archiving, mailing management, kit fulfillment, logistics management, CD/DVD services and Internet services. Together, these non-print services represented about $12.6 billion. By 2010, non-print revenue services will account for 13% of total print revenues.
Non-print services reportedly leverage twice their revenue impact since they also helped printers retain and acquire new print business. According to the study, mail management, kit fulfillment and logistics show the greatest growth potential. Within the 2005-2010 timeframe, Internet activities will become one of the more attractive service offerings providing the greatest potential for revenue growth. Digital database management, asset management, and archiving will also become important service offerings.