In one of his “Conversations with Green Champions,” Rolland President Philip Rundle spoke with Dwayne Magee, director of Messiah College Press & Postal Services, about sustainability across campus and environmentally responsible in-house printing.
“Sustainability is the lens for all buying,” notes Magee, in the blog post. “With equipment, I ask for energy usage to be specified in the proposal. With paper, the first priority is FSC or SFI certification, the gold standard for forest management. Then I look for recycled content, where and how the paper is made.”
When asked about the role of print communication at the college, Magee noted, “The college has a multi-channel approach to marketing and communications, and print is very much in the mix, with post cards, flyers, brochures, posters, and letters. Print is tangible, credible. Well-printed materials have a feeling of legitimacy that reinforces brand image.”