Former In-plant Manager to Head Cal Poly Graphic Department
Ken Macro, former director of Printing Services at the University of Akron, will take over as head of the Graphic Communication Department at California Polytechnic State University in June when current head Harvey Levenson retires. Levenson has served as department head for 30 years, the longest continuous department head tenure in the history of Cal Poly. Macro, who teaches product development, marketing and production management, joined Cal Poly in 2000.
“Ken is one of the most popular professors in our department,” Levenson praised. “He has the range of industry experience and education needed to lead the department. I plan to assist Ken in any way necessary to ensure a smooth, seamless transition.”
Macro—who will be keynote speaker at the upcoming ACUP conference in Minneapolis, May 19-23—looks forward to his new role.
“I am humbled to be selected by my colleagues to assist in transitioning Dr. Levenson’s legacy into a new and futuristic dimension,” he said. “Harvey has been an inspiring and diligent leader who has supported our endeavors with a warm heart and open arms. I aspire to carry on the legacy of greatness that he has brought to our department, our college, our university and our industry.”
During Levenson’s tenure, the department built an industry support program that includes an advisory board of industry leaders from major companies in the field from throughout the U.S.; an institute for industry research and testing, product evaluations, and training; and a large endowment program. Cal Poly’s graphic communication program has become one of the largest and best-known programs of its kind in the nation.
“It was an amazing 30 years that seemed to go by in a ‘mouse click,’” Levenson reflects. “The success we experienced could not have been realized without an ongoing great faculty and staff, super bright students, and support from the Cal Poly administration and from industry. Cal Poly is a fantastic university with a hands-on, Learn by Doing teaching philosophy second to none.”
To commemorate Levenson’s retirement and service, the Graphic Communication Department advisory board established the Dr. Harvey R. Levenson Excellence in Graphic Communication Endowment. The endowment will provide scholarships to deserving students and support continued department growth.