Inkjet Summit: 'Single Most Important' Conference
“Listening, advising and building relationships—these are the three key reasons that we’ve returned to the Inkjet Summit for its second year. The quality of attendees and mix of different sessions once again made the event a uniquely worthwhile experience to take the pulse of the people who make up our industry,” said Mike Herold, director of Continuous Feed Inkjet Solutions, at Ricoh. “As a keynote sponsor, we appreciated the opportunity to share our insights on how information mobility is impacting companies, and how inkjet’s progress and new innovations are providing them with unprecedented opportunities. What we value even more are the candid, face-to-face conversations that get at the heart of what keeps our customers and print service providers up at night. What drives their excitement about the industry and their businesses in the days and years ahead. And how we can, and do, help them succeed by placing them and their unique needs at the center of our relationship, with innovative technology solutions and services as the strong foundation.”