2. New print customers and senior-level print customers are not related to one another. Even vaguely. Designers and especially marketers who pick up the print buying roles from those who have left (willingly or not) have no idea how to work with the industry. They also have no idea what you can do. They likely don't want to "get into" it up to their elbows—they just want to know the possibilities (think of these as your capabilities) and what's involved.
Long regarded as a print buyer expert and trade writer, Margie Dana launched a new business as a marketing communications strategist with a specialty in printing and print buying. She is as comfortable working in social media as she is in traditional media, and now she’s on a mission to help clients build customer communities through carefully crafted content. Dana was the producer of the annual Print & Media Conference.
Although she has exited the event business, Dana is still publishing her Print Tips newsletter each week. For more details and to sign up for her newsletter and marketing blog, visit www.margiedana.com