Free Lunch at Graph Expo to Feature Fenton
Graph Expo starts in just 16 days. In-plant managers from all over the country will be there, and one of the main attractions will be the free breakfast and lunch seminars IPG is hosting.
One of those events is a free one-hour lunch session, sponsored by Rochester Software Associates. Taking place Tuesday, September 27 iin room N310A/B at the Orange County Convention Center (just above the show registration area), it will feature a panel of experts, including IMG’s Howie Fenton, IPG Editor Bob Neubauer and RSA’s Vince Tutino.
The panel will discuss Web-to-print best practices on a range of topics, including installation, roll out, marketing the system, user adoption (both the print shop and end customers), pricing, production and automation, expanding the print shop’s reach and influence and things to consider before buying.
Each of the panelists will offer their insights and unique perspectives gained from years of working with in-plants. Whether you already have a Web-to-print system, are in the process of implementing, are thinking of a purchase, or even if you have no system, there will be something in this session for you.
Seating is limited. If you’re going to Graph Expo and are interested in learning from experts, register now.