New In-plant in Ohio
It's always great to hear about a new in-plant starting up. That's what happened recently at Franklin University, in Columbus, Ohio, when the 111-year-old private university realized it could save a ton of money by printing in-house. So it installed an assortment of digital printers and bindery equipment in August and began printing.
So far, says Robert Donahue, director of purchasing, the new in-plant has saved about $50,000 in reduced spending. With a staff of three, Franklin University Print Services now prints everything from business cards, post cards and envelopes to brochures, posters and marketing pieces. What's more, the shop turns these items around much faster than when the school was using outside printers.
“My lead time is significantly less than going through the process of getting it outsourced,” notes Donahue, who spearheaded the project. The full story behind Franklin University's decision to create an in-plant is detailed in the March issue of In-plant Graphics.
Franklin University Print Services isn't the only new in-plant out there. In recent years, several organizations have discovered the tremendous value and cost savings that in-plants bring. Here are just a few: