Fox Valley Technical College held its first Open House and Technology Expo on May 24, in partnership with Ricoh Business Solutions. Nearly 100 attendees from 44 statewide organizations, including commercial printers and in-plant professionals, came to view the facility, get personal tours and attend sessions on digital printing, industry trends and workflow.
Attendees were impressed by the in-plant’s array of services, and provided very positive feedback. Because FVTC partners with commercial printers, to provide graduates and contracted training, this event was a chance to let outside printers know that the in-plant can be a resource if their equipment is down or they have overflow printing needs.
“So often, I hear in-plant managers say that they’re ‘not ready’ to do an open house,” remarks Shana Farrell, Printing and Business Services manager. “The perfect time is now. Don’t wait to share how your resources and expertise add value to your organization, to ultimately allow your customers to get back to focusing on their core business objectives.”
Shana Farrell welcomes visitors to her in-plant’s Open House and Technology Expo.