Developing Your People: The Key to a Successful In-plant Team
Wes Friesen is the manager of Revenue Collection & Community Offices for Portland General Electric, a utility in Portland, Ore., that serves more than 810,000 customers. Wes teaches university classes and is a featured speaker at national Conferences like IPMA, XPLOR, MailCom and the National Postal Forum. He manages the bill production and payment processing teams with the able assistance of supervisors Eric Houger, Tom Laszlo, Gil Rodriguez and Elyssia Carlblom. Wes can be contacted at:
Wes Friesen is a proven leader and developer of high performing teams and has extensive experience in both the corporate and non-profit worlds. A former in-plant manager, he is also an award-winning university instructor and speaker, and is the president of Solomon Training and Development, which provides leadership, management and team building training. His book, Your Team Can Soar! contains 42 valuable lessons that will inspire you, and give you practical pointers to help you—and your team—soar to new heights of performance. Your Team Can Soar! can be ordered from or Wes can be contacted at