EFI Connect Auction to Benefit Education
EFI will host the inaugural Connect auction one month from today with more than 20 items ranging from add-on software to consulting services. The live auction will be held during the sponsors’ appreciation reception on Monday, April 19, starting at 4:45 p.m.
The 11th annual Connect users’ conference is taking place April 18 to April 21 at the Wynn Las Vegas. It will feature educational sessions, user group meetings, keynote speakers and product demonstrations across the entire EFI portfolio.
Some of the EFI products up for auction include Auto-Count, PrinterSite Internal for Monarch, PSI and Logic business audits, a Pace three-day on-site service package, a PrintSmith workstation package, and even a day of consulting with scheduling expert Udi Arieli. EFI partner Epson has donated an Epson Stylus Pro WT7900 printer as well.
Most items will be offered with a very low reserve or with no reserve at all. A portion of all proceeds will go to the Print & Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF). (For a list of products/services up for auction, visit here: http://www.efi.com/connect/auction.asp