BYU Wins Best of Show
At the IPMA awards banquet Wednesday evening, the staff of Brigham Young University Print and Mail Services learned that a case-bound, photo-filled memory book produced by their in-plant was the winner of the coveted In-Print Best of Show award. The winner was revealed in a video, shot by IPG Editor Bob Neubauer, which showed the judges selecting the Best of Show out of all the Gold-award-winning offset-produced* pieces in the In-Print 2014 contest.
To win the top prize, BYU's piece overcame some very tough competition from the Church of Scientology's in-plant, which had three top-quality publications in the final five. Tension filled the air at the awards banquet as the 130 in-plant managers in the audience watched the judges slowly narrow down the candidates for the top prize. (The excitement no doubt reached a peak at the table where, coincidentally, representatives from both BYU and the Church of Scientology were seated.)
The winning book was produced for Snow College and features hundreds of evocative photos by Utah photographer Wally Barras. The in-plant produced 2,000 copies of the 108-page book. This victory marks the third time BYU has won Best of Show. Director Doug Maxwell was at the conference to claim the prize for his staff.
"I was blown away," he remarks. "I really didn't expect it."
Watch the video (at the link under "Related" above) and see for yourself how the judges came to their final decision.
* A second Best of Show prize, for winners in the non-offset categories, was also awarded at the banquet, but since no representative from that in-plant was in attendance, and we were not able to notify the manager before launching today's e-news, we will reveal that winner at a later time.