An Eye for Adaptation

Though the anniversary celebrations are still in the planning stages, the in-plant has already been called upon to print potential logos for the university community to consider and provide feedback on.
"They had created about 10 logos and we printed them on the wide-format printers, and had a lunch-and-learn series," she says. "People would wander in campus-wide—custodians, faculty members, athletic directors and student leaders with different student organizations and fraternities—to give input on what they felt best represented Cal State at 50 years."

Cory Francer is an Analyst with NAPCO Research, where he leads the team’s coverage of the dynamic and growing packaging market. Cory also is the former editor-in-chief of Packaging Impressions and is still an active contributor to its print magazines, blogs, and events. With a decade of experience as a professional journalist and editor, Cory brings an eye for storytelling to his packaging research, providing compelling insight into the industry's most pressing business issues. He is an active participant in many of the industry's associations and has played an essential role in the development of the annual Digital Packaging Summit. Cory can be reached at