Of all the award recipients at last month's In-plant Printing and Mailing Association (IPMA) conference, one stood out from the crowd. Chris Anderson, Production Print and Mail foreman at DMBA in Salt Lake City, was honored with IPMA's Outstanding Contributor award, a well deserved recognition for a man who has willingly volunteer many hours of his time to help the association.
A talented artist and graphic designer, his skills have been used extensively for numerous projects at DMBA as well as at IPMA, where he's helped with numerous marketing and communication campaigns throughout the years. Countless hours of his work have been provided to IPMA.
A faithful and supportive member of IPMA and the IPMA Utah Chapter, Chris is well known and widely respected among his peers. His commitment to the IPMA Utah Chapter include years of service as the treasurer, secretary, vice president and president. The receipt of his CGCM designation in 2013 has further demonstrated his support of IPMA.
For years he was the IPMA awards chairman, working closely with IPG on the In-Print contest judging, where his graphic arts knowledge and concern with print quality were most apparent.
“I can’t even describe how special I feel to receive this award," comments Chris. "The fact I was even nominated is an honor and a huge surprise to me. Having had the opportunity to help IPMA with various projects over the past few years, I have met so many great people that contribute hours of their time, talents and expertise into making IPMA such a successful organization."