We have finished collecting the data for our annual ranking of the largest in-plants. As we prepare the lists for our December issue, we've decided to reveal some of the data a little early. Here are the 15 largest government in-plants, ranked by employees and then by sales.
Like last year, the Government Publishing Office and the State of California top both lists, but after that you'll notice some big changes, particularly in the ranking by sales. The state of Michigan climbed several spots since last year to claim the No. 3 position, after combining its print and mail operations. The state of Tennessee also jumped four spots after including revenue from additional areas overseen by the manager, which boosted its annual sales by $4.4 million over 2016 numbers. Some others have slipped lower in the ranks due not to a drop in sales but to our request that postage not be included in budget and sales data this year.
On the employee ranking, the state of Michigan again rose four spots to No. 6, while the City of New York Police Department joined the ranks for the first time, coming in at No. 13. Click here to see the full list.